Tennis or... Pickleball?

Pickleball Club Küsnacht Zumikon
7. Sept. 2024

A story in TIME Magazine provided some interesting insight:

If you’ve been watching any of U.S. Open coverage over the past couple of weeks, you’ve probably noticed the graphic sitting on the right of the screen, right off the sideline at Arthur Ashe Stadium: a digital stamp touting tennis as “The World’s Healthiest Sport.”

That’s quite an in-your-face claim to make, during the sport’s highest-profile, most-viewed event staged in the United States. During, say, the Super Bowl, I can’t remember football touting itself as “the world’s most exciting sport” or some such on the TV screen (“world’s healthiest” certainly wouldn’t work for football). Or a commercial trumping broccoli or beets as “The World’s Healthiest Food.”

So bold. And effective: with the slogan buried in TIME correspondent's Sean Gregory's brain, he made a point of hitting around some tennis balls for an hour with a friend last weekend. And sure, he felt pretty hearty afterward.

But is tennis really the healthiest sport in the world? Says who?

Read the whole story here:

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