Shamrock Football Club Senioren - UBS

13. Okt. 2024, um 12.00 Uhr
Shamrock Football Club Senioren - UBS
12:00 - 14:00 Sonntag 13. Okt
Senioren match vs. UBS (Home)

Captain Jack Sparrow’s Match Report: Shamrock vs UBS

Ahoy there, ye scallywags! Gather ‘round, and let ol’ Captain Jack regale ye with the tale of a football match that could only be described as… chaotic, at best. We had fouls, we had flailing limbs, and we had a goalkeeper who ran out of his goal like he was being chased by a kraken. But I’m getting ahead of meself, aren’t I? Let’s start at the beginning, as all good tales do.

The match kicked off, and it was clear from the start that UBS, that rabble of miscreants, had no intention of playing fair. Oh no, they were more like pirates than footballers—my kind of people, you might say, but even I have me limits, savvy? Shamrock, on the other hand, bless their poor, naive hearts, were actually trying to play proper football. Admirable… but also a bit boring.

Early doors, Drazen—quick fella, that one—threaded a lovely little ball through for Mikie, who was charging at the goal like a man on a mission. Alas, the UBS keeper got there first, like a pirate snatching the last bottle of rum. Typical. And before ye could say “Shiver me timbers,” UBS sailed down the left flank, crossed the ball in, and—would ye believe it—their striker scored from close range. 0-1. It was like watching a man trip over his own sword and somehow still win the duel. Not impressive, but it worked.

But Shamrock weren’t about to abandon ship just yet. They had fight in ‘em! Maksym steps up for a free kick, smashes it into the wall—boom—like cannon fire, but at least they earned a corner. UBS, meanwhile, were fouling left, right, and center. It was more like a bar brawl than a football match, but Shamrock stayed the course, playing most of the match in UBS’s half, showing the scurvy dogs how football’s meant to be played.

And then… tragedy struck! Mikie, poor lad, fouled again. Down he goes, like a sailor who’s had too much rum and not enough sea legs. Off injured. Gone, replaced by Lewis. Now, Lewis—sharp as a cutlass, that one—gets in behind the UBS defender and bam, gets taken down too. Yellow card for the UBS villain. About time! I was starting to think the referee was asleep at the helm.

But then, the most controversial moment of the match, I tell ye. Shamrock were awarded a free kick, and Maksym—ever the reliable one—whipped it into the box. UBS’s keeper, JT, spilled the ball like he was holding onto a bar of soap in the middle of a storm, and there was Ryan, quick as a flash, tapping it into the net from close range. The Shamrock crew erupted in celebration—only for the referee to blow his whistle! Disallowed! The crowd was furious, and rightly so. The only one who thought it was a foul was the man with the whistle. It was a cruel twist of fate, but such is the life of a pirate, aye?

Maksym, ever the brave soul, tries his luck with another free kick, and this time it sails just past the top corner. So close. The sort of shot that makes ye say, “Aye, that would’ve been glorious,” while drowning yer sorrows in a bottle of rum.

Then, the tide finally turned! Drazen sends in a cross, UBS’s keeper, JT—clumsy as a landlubber with sea legs—spills the ball like it’s a hot coal, and there’s Ryan, right on cue, tapping it in. 1-1! The Shamrock crew celebrated like they’d found treasure… though it was more of a polite celebration, if ye catch me drift.

Half time! Time to top up yer rum, aye?

Second half, UBS decided to behave a bit better. Less fouling, more actual football, which, frankly, was a bit dull. Shamrock still had a bit of fire in ‘em, though. Maksym and Lewis both tried their luck with long-range shots—shots fired across the bow, so to speak—but nothing came of it.

And then, disaster struck again! UBS played a ball through Shamrock’s defense, and their striker—the scurvy dog—put the ball right through Pedro’s legs. But wait, here’s where the seas turned rougher. The striker looked suspiciously offside when that ball was played, yet the referee, turning a blind eye, allowed it to stand! The Shamrock crew were fuming, claiming the scoundrel had a head start. But the official’s decision was final, and the goal stood. A bitter pill to swallow, but such are the treacherous waters of football.

But wait, the worst was yet to come. Pedro—perhaps thinking himself more of a sprinter than a goalkeeper—ran out of his goal like a man possessed, only to pull up halfway through with a hamstring injury. Down he goes, like a ship taking on water. It was almost painful to watch. Almost.

Shamrock had one last hurrah—a cross floated in, and Maksym was this close to connecting with his head. Inches, I tell ye! But alas, it wasn’t to be.

The final whistle blew, and the game ended.

In conclusion, me hearties, it was a match of two halves. Shamrock ruled the first like proper captains of the pitch, but UBS, those sneaky, foul-loving sea dogs, edged the second half. Still, let’s be honest, UBS spent more time fouling and whining than playing the beautiful game. And that, my friends, is something only a pirate could appreciate.

Now, where’s the rum?

Ryan Clark 1-1
Dražen Popović

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